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Paul Schmutzler演示了新的红巨星宇宙效果和过渡套件中的关键动画功能.

Recently, Red Giant released Universe 2.0, 一套更新的插件过滤器和过渡,现在可用于Adobe After Effects和Premiere Pro. 我得到了它们并开始使用它们,正好赶上了一个需要大量图像的项目, 而《百家乐app下载》中的一些新功能也让我的工作轻松了许多.

The suite saved me a ton of time, 对于那些没有预算制作画外音的人来说,这是一个完美的选择,他们需要把所有的指示用看起来不错的文字显示在屏幕上. In my project, I used a little bit of graphic design expertise, 把它和《百家乐软件》结合在一起,想出了一套非常时髦的标题,而不仅仅是看起来像有人试图用ppt制作视频.

Figure 1 (below) shows my Premiere Pro timeline for this project. As you can see, all of the magenta-colored bars here are all graphics, so have several layers, with the video in track V1.

Figure 1. My Premiere Pro timeline. Click the image to see it at full size.

这个视频的目的是指导人们如何以正确的方式在玻璃上安装这个特殊的图形. We demonstrated three ways: a bad way, with the message “Too little care will lead to product failure” in red; an OK but flawed way with a message in yellow for caution; and the preferred way, highlighted in green, as shown in Figure 2 (below).

Figure 2. The green-highlighted instructional text. Click the image to see it at full size.

You can see the animation at the 1:40 mark of the accompanying tutorial video. 现在我们倒回去,我将向你们展示我做了什么,以及我是如何使用“宇宙”使我的工作变得容易得多.

Animating the Logo Bug

看完这段视频后,你基本上已经看到了我在整个视频中使用的每一个效果. 我重复使用了相同的样式,以保持整个外观的一致性, changing a few of the parameters here and there. 我改变了文本大小和图形大小,所以一切都是统一的. 从顶部开始,我有徽标bug在右下角. It's got a solid gray bar behind it with some opacity, 这将贯穿整个赛道.

As you can see in the very beginning of the clip, the logo is not there, and then it flies in and appears up in the corner. 这是基于Universe的最新功能之一——Logo运动. We have several options here. First, you choose the track that you want to control. My title, as you can see in Figure 1 是在V6轨道上,所以这就是我要选择的,然后我可以选择一个预设. Universe 2.0有一个很棒的预设浏览器,可以非常快速地选择预设。Figure 3, below). Once you choose a preset, you're not tied to it; you can easily modify in the settings after choosing and previewing the effect.

Figure 3. Choosing a preset

当你滚动到一个预设时,“宇宙”会非常快地显示它的样子. There are always different options. Most of them are pretty basic, such as changing the direction, 但我选择的是左下角的虫轴. I changed it from the lower left to the upper right, 但这并没有真正改变这个预设的主要效果, 这涉及到它如何出现在屏幕上和离开屏幕. 我通过点击预设然后点击选择来选择.

Up in the Effect Controls for this Universe effect (Figure 4, below), 您可以选择将剪辑长度用于效果的持续时间, which means as long as this clip is on the track, 您应用该效果的图形将在您设置的持续时间内在开始时飞进来, and then at the end, wherever you stop it. 在进入和离开屏幕的过渡时间之间,有一个空闲时间. 当图形显示在屏幕上时,您可以使用它来触发空闲动画.

Figure 4. Effect Controls for the applied effect

我为空闲动画选择了None,因为我不想让logo四处移动,让用户从屏幕底部需要阅读的文本中分心, 或者来自背景中视频轨道上发生的动作.

他们只需要读说明书,看说明书就行了. 当视频在YouTube上播放时,这个标志只是为了让人们知道它来自哪里. Among the available Idle Animation options (Figure 5, below),我很喜欢悬停,因为它只是让标志慢慢地在适当的地方反弹,上下. You can control that motion (so that, say, it bounce off screen), by adjusting the Idle Animation Properties.

Figure 5. Choosing the Hover Idle Animation option

你也可以调整比例、锚定和动态模糊. 如果你想让图形出现在屏幕上时有些模糊, 它将以自然的模糊效果轻松地呈现在屏幕上.

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