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杰森Thibeault is the executive director of the 流媒体视频联盟. 在Twitter上关注他 @_jasonthiebeault.




与大型体育流媒体运营商合作, WebRTC provides a real opportunity for ultra-low-latency streaming. 但是同样的运算符, 哪些公司在授权上花费了数十亿美元, 不能用SSAI和数字版权管理等基本的OTT功能来交换实时流媒体内容的能力.

Personalization Is More Than What You Think It Can Be

随着生成式人工智能的进步, just-intime代码转换, SSAI缝合, and other streaming video tech stack components, 像Infuse Video这样的公司正在证明视频个性化的真正愿景——改变视频内容本身——终于触手可及了.

I’ve Seen The Future of The Streaming Video Tech Stack

像Norsk这样的服务暗示了电视的进化即将到来. 我已经等不及了.

What the Growth of FAST Really Tells Us 关于 Viewers

The popularity and growth of FAST show us that viewing behavior, 尽管流媒体正在兴起, 并没有太大的变化. People want choice, but they want it in a way that meets their needs. FAST doesn't scrap the broadcast experience with which so many are familiar; it is evolving it in a way that broadcast could never do to improve upon the viewer experience.


你可能会觉得我疯了, 作为世界上最大的流媒体技术协会的执行董事, 问这个专栏标题中的问题. 但我认为我们每隔一段时间做一次内心的检查是很重要的.

Does Streaming's Future Success Depend On Discoverability?

流媒体的未来是建立在单一开放的内容元数据标准之上的统一. Right now, it's a matter of seeing the forest for the trees.


一个blockchain-based, 分类帐和钱包的方法保证了一种数字版权管理,它和我们现在拥有的任何方法一样有效, with the benefit of being more consumer-friendly.


'Delivery' is one of the most commonly used words in our business? 但这到底是什么意思呢? 如果我们认为它只是关于协议和字节,我们永远赶不上传统电视.

The Evolution of the Movie Theater is at Hand

With OTT services like HBO Max streaming first-run movies on release day, 为了保持票房,电影院需要考虑的不仅仅是舒适的椅子和生啤酒.




流媒体视频联盟执行董事杰森Thibeault解释了什么是开放缓存, 它是如何与cdn一起发挥作用的, 以及它与CDN技术的关系.


即使在新冠肺炎疫情后,流媒体仍然只占视频观看总量的一小部分. What happens when it's the de facto method for delivering video content? 现有的CDN方法是否足以应对下一阶段的流媒体增长?

What Has the Pandemic Taught Us 关于 Streaming?

我们在COVID-19大流行期间看到的流媒体的增加并没有破坏互联网. 但它确实让我们看到了未来,让我们有机会主动出击,而不是被动应对.


流媒体专业人员如何在编码阶段微调他们的流程以优先考虑低延迟? 流媒体视频联盟的杰森·蒂博说, GigCasters的Casey Charvet报道, 和海视的Marc Cymontowski讨论了减少延迟的策略,这段视频来自流媒体东连接.

Build Streaming Solutions for Tomorrow, Today

在2019冠状病毒病大流行和居家令之后,流媒体已经飙升. The strategies you implement today will set the stage for the future.


广播员的时代结束了. 基于微服务的OTT平台和前所未有的数据收集能力, 现在是观众的时代了.

Not All Content (or Devices) Are Created Equal


TV 2.0: The Future Isn't 关于 Delivery, It's 关于 Experience

行业将视频视为线性或OTT,但这并不是真正的区别. What matters isn't how people get their video, but how they experience it.

Taming the Many-Headed Problem of Video Content Discovery

确定, 今天的OTT视频平台可以共享数据,创建全面的视频推荐系统, 但他们不想这么做. 以下是他们应该关心的原因.


Viewers turned away from cable because it offered them too many choices. OTT recreates the same problem, but on steroids. So what is the industry going to do about it?

Rampant Piracy Is the Elephant in the Live-Streaming Room

令牌? 水印? 数字版权管理? Content owners try them all, but as of today there's no foolproof solution. Perhaps the way forward isn't with higher walls, but new experiences.

Can AI Make the Streaming Video Experience Even Better Than TV?

寻找人工智能和机器学习来改善内容交付, 视频压缩, 以及观众个性化, 加强整个工作流程.

Virtual Reality Development Is Moving in the Wrong Direction

VR面临着巨大的生产和消费者挑战,并且仍在快速发展. So why is the industry already talking about standardization?

Hey, European Mobile Operators: What 关于 Streaming Video?

在巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会上,人们对5G和VR大肆宣传,但对视频却毫不关心. Why the blind spot over small-screen viewing?

The Enterprise Embraces Streaming Innovation Behind the Firewall

微软, 创作, Brightcove, and others are putting streaming video to use at work, creating cutting-edge features that any viewer would enjoy.

The Four Problems Facing OTT Services—and How to Solve Them

什么时候,顶级视频服务的观看时间最终会超过广播频道? When they finally overcome these four main problems.

The Reality of Virtual Reality: Despite the Hype, VR Isn't Viable

VR视频得到了很多关注,尽管观看的人并不多. The requirements for consumers are still way too high.

The Interoperability Challenge: Is OTT Ready for Standards?

OTT公司通过创新将自己的产品与竞争对手的产品区分开来, 但要让这个行业发挥其潜力, 他们必须合作.

Latency: The Final Frontier for Streaming Video Entertainment?

Delays of up to two minutes can really destroy the live sports experience. Walled garden solutions aren't working, so it's up to CDNs to provide relief.

How Much of a Role Will Mobile Phones Play in the Future of TV?

While older viewers prefer streaming to a living room television, Millennial and Gen Z viewers agree: The small screen is big! 现在4K在哪里?

IPTV已死,OTT将其扼杀. 它会对广播行业产生同样的影响吗?

广播电视很可能会消失,因为消费者和供应商都接受了ott传输. 但有几个问题需要先解决.

Mobile Phone Hang-Ups: Viewers Wary of Using Up Their Data

如果没有限制性的数据上限,人们会把更多的视频流到移动设备上. But thanks to Netflix and Amazon, things are starting to change.

The Great OTT Myth: The Reality of Cord Cutting Isn’t So Real

传统电视的时代已经结束了,因为消费者急于切断有线电视? 不要太快:我们看到了迁移,但产品和玩家并没有改变.

Collaboration Is Critical to Reduce Latency in Online Video

确保观众的广播质量不仅仅是减少缓冲. Publishers need to improve the efficiency of back-end operations, as well.

When it Comes to Streaming Video, We Are Only At the Beginning

We're coming up on the third decade of streaming video, but we've only begun to tap into its potential, 从长远来看,其基于数据的特性使其比广播具有优势.

Forget the Hype: The Future of Television Isn’t What You Think

无线广播不会消失, 掐线者仍将是少数, 千禧一代和其他群体一样订阅付费电视服务. 但这是将要改变的.

Making the Case for Government-Mandated Online Video Standards

会有一枚戒指统治所有的戒指吗? 在线视频行业是时候向电视学习,创建可互操作的标准了.

How Do You Spell Over-the-Top Streaming Success?

剪线机在哪里? Without more attention to quality of experience from a user perspective, OTT永远不会真正与广播竞争.

在线视频vs. TV: Have We Finally Reached the Tipping Point?

While many in the industry are declaring traditional pay TV dead, 统计数据告诉我们一个不同的故事. Here's what needs to change before online takes over.

Why Apple, 微软, or Amazon Will Win the the Living Room

谷歌和索尼是黑马候选人,而Roku和TiVo没有机会. And as for Plex, it had better pray that it gets acquired.

What Esports Can Teach Video Creators 关于 Attracting Viewers

通过一系列聪明的招数, 电子竞技组织已经在全球建立了数以百万计的热情粉丝. Here are three takeaways for savvy content creators.

When Viewers Turn to YouTube for Brand Video, Brands Lose Out

YouTube上有大量用户生成的与品牌相关的原创视频, but the brands themselves don't get any part of the action.

Welcome to the Broadcasting Revolution, Open to All Creators

互联网正在解放广播, 把任何一个有相机和网络连接的人变成一个能够接触到大量观众的创作者.

What Happened to the Future of Interactive, Immersive Video?

人们曾经想象过一个吸引人的、互动的在线视频世界. But, instead of achieving that, we've settled for duplicating TV.

Faster Is Better, but There Is Better than Faster

In the context of the cross-platform digital experience, 使用PACE的整体性能方法将使客户坚持您的内容并再次回来

2013 Online Video Executive Prediction: Limelight Networks

杰森Thibeault, Senior Director of Solutions Marking (Digital Media) & Limelight Networks的产品经理表示,工作流整合在2013年将是一个巨大的趋势.