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The Future of Sports Viewing: Free Agent Fans

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大谷正平证明了精英棒球运动员的自由市场是非常有利可图的, signing a 10-year, $700 million contract in early December. But in recent years, 流媒体服务积极争取全球体育版权交易,创造了一种新型的自由球员:体育迷.

分散的体育媒体格局使得体育迷难以获取内容. Altman Solon’s 2023 Global Sports Survey 60%的体育迷难以获得或支付他们想要观看的体育直播内容. However, 这种碎片化也意味着球迷可以选择他们想要付费的体育项目, following their favorite teams and leagues if they change broadcasters. 近70%的球迷愿意更换电视提供商,以保留观看一项或多项重要体育赛事的机会. 流媒体服务正在努力跟上这些新的“自由代理”的步伐.”

对顶级体育联盟的投资一直被证明是线性供应商吸引和留住客户的有力工具. The record-breaking $8.5 billion domestic rights deal 英超联赛的实况转播表明,线性电视并没有退出体育比赛. In a twist, 天空体育(Sky Sports)和TNT体育(TNT Sports)取代了亚马逊Prime Video获得英超版权, underscoring durability for traditional sports broadcasters.

Sports fans are a critical audience segment, dedicating more than one-third of their TV and video budgets to sports content. 而广播网络和有线电视提供商多年来一直在讨好体育迷, 流媒体服务意识到,他们可以通过吸引这一细分市场来实现增长并使用户多样化.

While competition with linear TV is just beginning, 流媒体服务在吸引用户方面比传统广播公司有优势. 皮科克成为第一个独家转播NFL季后赛的主播,引起了消费者的强烈反对, but it was a big win for NBCUniversal, 以2300万观众创下了流媒体赛事的历史纪录,并在开赛前签约了300万新用户. While it remains to be seen how many new Peacock subscribers are retained, 如此多的体育迷能够并且愿意快速访问他们想要观看的比赛,这一事实突显了流媒体服务可以轻松获得新用户.

媒体公司——无论是线性还是流媒体——扩大订阅基础的一个方法是瞄准更多的休闲粉丝, or those watching only a few times a month. After all, 狂热球迷——即每周观看一场以上比赛的球迷——只占全球球迷基数的15%.

As part of the survey, 奥特曼·索伦还采访了100多位全球媒体高管,他们透露,瞄准休闲体育迷可能成为明年的主要趋势:超过70%的受访媒体高管认为,应该通过扩大内容供应来吸引休闲体育迷, like pay-per-view options, augmented live experiences, personalized content recommendations, and ad-supported models. 

媒体公司不能再仅仅依靠传统的体育版权变现策略. Instead, broadcasters must rethink their monetization models, 通过严格的内容获取方法优化他们的版权组合, and reduce discoverability costs with streamlined distribution models. 通过关注狂热体育迷的需求,并尝试吸引更多休闲体育迷的方法, media companies can continue to monetize sports rights. 

Matt Del Percio 在电信、媒体和技术(TMT)领域有超过15年的经验. 他在使用分析和研究开发数据驱动的增长战略和绩效改进计划方面拥有深厚的专业知识. Matt是领先B2C和B2B公司的增长和运营战略开发专家. During recent engagements, Matt assisted clients with customer acquisition and churn management, offer/pricing development, customer segmentation, and marketing attribution.

Additionally, Matt领导Altman Solon在体育、科技和媒体领域的合作. He also leads the firm’s Annual Global Sports Survey, 衡量消费者为体育和新闻节目付费的兴趣和意愿的标准是什么, and gleans insights about sports fandom, viewership, and betting habits.


[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Altman Solon. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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